I took this picture of Gabriel today. We think he's a pretty cute little guy.
This is obviously right after he was born.
This is our first family picture.
Brinley was so excited to see the baby for the first time.
Brinley does really well holding him, until she decides she's done
at which point she just tries to push him off her lap.
Here is more of a close up of Brinley and Gabriel together. Don't I have the cutest kids ever!!
Gabriel Evan Price was born on Tuesday, April 22nd at 2:42 pm. He weighed 7 lb. 1 oz. and was 20 inches long. Everything went fine with the delivery and he is perfectly healthy. I am finally getting somewhat recovered and have gotten enough motivation to download my pictures. My mom came and stayed with us for a few days, we were so grateful to have her help. Overall, Brinley is doing very well with the new addition. She has been pushing her limits, but she loves holding the baby and is always asking where he is.
He is so stinking cute! This must be a baby week, because my sister-in-law had a little boy yesterday :) Congrats -- your babies are adorable!
Yes your children are adorable! Congrats on the new edition to the PRICE family! You guys look great and very happy! It's hard to believe it's been so long already... our "new edition" will be 1yr old in about 3 weeks!
You DO have adorable kids! I think Gabriel looks just like Cory!
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