Tuesday, March 24, 2009


As you can probably guess from my lack of posts recently, we still don't have the internet at our house. So, I thought I would take a minute and give a quick update about us. We are pretty much unpacked and settled into our new house. Brinley had a great birthday, she got lots of art stuff, a fish tank, and her favorite, a tool set. Gabe will be one next month and is still such a sweet little guy. He is pulling himself up and cruising all over the furniture. He loves to open and close door and empty all my drawers.

Cory and I both got callings in our ward. Cory is the gospel doctrine teacher, he is team teaching so he gets to teach half the time. I was called as the 1st counsilor in the primary presidency. We are both excited for the new opportunities to serve. We just relisted our American Falls house, which we had leased for the past five months. Hopefully it will sell quickly and we can be done, but we are trying to be patient and hope for the best.


Kasi Lee said...

Anika, you have a blog! I hope you don't mind if I keep some tabs on what the Price fam is up to?! You guys look wonderful!


Jessica said...

We're so lonesome here in Pocatello without you guys.. who do we have Sunday night game night with?