Thursday, January 15, 2009

Our family vacation

A couple of days after Christmas we went on family vacation. It has been a couple of years since we went on a family vacation with just our little family and we had a blast. We went down to St. George. We stayed in a timeshare resort down there. It had two bedrooms, a family/dining room, and a full kitchen. It was very nice. While we were down there we went to a dinosaur museum, a wildlife museum, Zion's national park, Brigham Young's winter house, and the visitor's center at the temple. We also went swimming everyday at the outdoor pool at the resort and played on the playground. It was very relaxing and we were glad to get away from everyday life for a few days.

Brinley and Cory built a snowman at
Grandma T's on the way down.

Here we are at Zion's National Park

This is outside our hotel, and in front of the temple


Jessica said...

Lucky ducks! A new house AND a vacation. Very nice!!

Audra said...

Looks like you guys had a blast. Congrats on the house! Where is at? We really need to get together and hang out sometime. Life has just been so crazy lately. As soon as we get moved into our new apartment I'll give you a call. :D