Sunday, January 25, 2009

We really bought a house

So we really bought a house. We closed on Friday. They said that they were going to be done moving out this weekend, but we drove by today and there we still some furniture in the front room. Now we are just waiting for them to call us and tell us that they are out.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Happy Birthday to Me

I am 24. Yeah. I had a fun birthday. Karlee and Justin came up on Sunday and brought a cake and so I opened my presents on Sunday, but Cory did take me out to dinner tonight. For my birthday everyone in my family went together and go me a Wii and Wii fit. I love it!!!! It has been lots of fun and I plan to use the Wii fit to get in a little better shape.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Our family vacation

A couple of days after Christmas we went on family vacation. It has been a couple of years since we went on a family vacation with just our little family and we had a blast. We went down to St. George. We stayed in a timeshare resort down there. It had two bedrooms, a family/dining room, and a full kitchen. It was very nice. While we were down there we went to a dinosaur museum, a wildlife museum, Zion's national park, Brigham Young's winter house, and the visitor's center at the temple. We also went swimming everyday at the outdoor pool at the resort and played on the playground. It was very relaxing and we were glad to get away from everyday life for a few days.

Brinley and Cory built a snowman at
Grandma T's on the way down.

Here we are at Zion's National Park

This is outside our hotel, and in front of the temple

We bought a house!

I can't believe it has taken me this long to sit down and tell everyone some very exciting news. We bought a house! We close next friday, but we might have to wait a couple of weeks after that to move in. So at the latest we will be in our home by the 10th of February, at the earliest the end of the month. YEAH! Here is a picture of the outside.